Remote Sump/Cooling Tower Filtration

Maintaining sumps / basins cleaner is required in many applications for production without interuptions or to cut down sump size to utilize available place in the plant effectively. At many places sump is not easily accessible for manual cleaning or manual cleaning is prevented on the ground of health hazards.

Sumps only for the solids settling purpose occupy huge space of the plant. If sump size is reduced or secondary settling pits are eliminated, the space that becomes available can be productively utilized for higher output.

Similarly cooling tower water filtration with cleaner basins can prevent frequent fouling of heat transfer equipment, protect spray nozzles in steel/metal rolling mills.

Sedimentation of sumps decreases its water holding capacity, carrying more and more solids with cooling water to the systems making it necessary to take shutdown for cleaning the sumps manually. Down time in Industry is significant production loss. Over and above, labour and maintenance is an added expense.

Combination of elementless + barrier type filters to make a system can offer you tailor made solution with quicker payback period.

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