- Barrier Type Filters/Strainers
- Elementless Filters/Separators
- Clean Remote Sumps and Cooling Tower Filtration Systems
Payback Period
Grit, scale, and precipitated solids can foul even the best
cooling water systems...both on open and closed system
loops! This can cause problems with the heat exchangers,
tower nozzles, plumbing, valves, and more importantly, the
tower basin. The costs can add up quickly...and the solution
is effective filtration.
LAKOS Separators are centrifugal-action solids removal
systems that are easy to install, free of routine downtime
maintenance, and offer quick payback. Some results you can
- Significant reduction in the risk of Legionella
A LAKOS basin cleaning installation helps to prevent the environment that can cause breeding and amplification of hazardous bacteria.
- Significant reduction in blowdown & controlled TDS
Substantial savings on water consumption by way of reduced make-up water costs.
- Significant reductions in chemical usage by improving efficiency
Reduced water loss similarly helps reduce chemical treatment, and reduced solids will minimize chemical absorption or excessive chemical usage to offset the
presence of solids.
- Substantial savings on your energy costs
Reduced fouling improves heat transfer efficiency and controls energy costs.
- Substantial savings on your tower maintenance costs
Reduced tower cleaning, heat exchanger punch-outs, and labor/downtime costs.